Strong & Hanni is proud to announce that Kristin VanOrman will be speaking at the 2024 Business Innovation Summit on Tuesday, July 16th at the Mountain America Expo Center.

The Business Innovation Summit is more than just a conference—it’s a collaborative platform designed to inspire, empower, and drive business innovation and transformation.  It will be a day of collaborative discussions with the most brilliant and forward-thinking minds in Utah’s business community.

Kristin VanOrman will instructing and leading a discussion on the Advancements in Employee Law. This session is geared towards HR Executives, CFOs, and COOs. Topics covered will include:

  • Reviewing all new employment laws that went into effect in 2024
  • Best practices and proactive measures to implement
  • and How to navigate through evolving laws

To Register for this event free of charge follow the link below and when asked who is your Buckner Representative type Strong & Hanni.

Registration Link: Buckner Business Innovation Summit

Thank you to The Buckner Company for hosting this great event.