Salt Lake City, Utah – The IRS recently released its roadmap for the $80 billion funding boost that it received from the Inflation Reduction Act.  The 10-year plan aims to increase audit rates on the wealthy, including businesses, while updating the IRS’s technology and data analytics capabilities.

Representative Richard Neal, with the Ways and Means Committee stated: “The Inflation Reduction Act is a transformational investment in regaining taxpayers’ trust, modernizing the IRS to provide world-class customer service, and eliminating the two-tiered tax system that has allowed the wealthy and well-connected to play by one set of rules and everyone else by another. As laid out today, it’s already hard at work.”

Taxpayer advocate Erin Collins wrote in a blog post: “Although the [plan] offers the promise of many positive changes in the coming years, I urge the IRS to put appropriate focus on getting its inventories under control now and not lose sight of its core mission.”  Its core mission is to: “provide America’s taxpayers top quality service by helping them understand and meet their tax responsibilities and enforce the law with integrity and fairness to all.  This mission statement describes our role and the public’s expectation about how we should perform that role.”  IRM 01-001-001.

I have done a lot of taxpayer representation work over the years. All of this talk about the Inflation Reduction Act means one thing, the IRS will be exerting more effort in going after taxpayers and “enforce the law”.  Rich, poor, or middleclass the IRS is looking at all of us.

Tax problems are legal problems, and we solve both.  If you or someone you know has an issue with paying their federal or state taxes and needs help to end their IRS nightmare, please contact Kent Brown at Strong & Hanni by either phone at (801) 532-7080 or email at: or go to my personal Strong & Hanni webpage at:

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