Criminal Defense


Strong & Hanni’s team of criminal defense attorneys stands ready to assist clients when there’s a lot more than money on the line. With a wide range of experience, from simple misdemeanor offenses to more serious DUIs, to white collar crimes and even capital murder, Strong & Hanni has the experience necessary to competently advise clients facing every kind of criminal charge and work to achieve for them the best outcome that could reasonably be attained in their circumstance.
Our team of criminal defense lawyers includes attorneys with a wide range of backgrounds, from commercial litigators to a former prosecutor, and we stand ready to assist clients at every stage of criminal proceedings, from investigation to arrest, indictment, appeal, and beyond. Our white collar criminal defense attorneys have extensive experience advising clients in response to civil investigative demands, federal investigations, and grand jury subpoenas, as well as handling cases involving claims of fraud, securities violations, RICO, and more.
Our team also provide victim representation services, helping victims understand and navigate the complexities of the legal system and making sure their interests are represented along the way.
Whatever challenge you’re facing in the criminal arena, we are ready to help. Call us today to schedule a consultation.